How real-time tool tracking reduced downtime and cut costs

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How real-time tool tracking reduced downtime and cut costs


Clint’s crews frequently experienced downtime due to missing or unavailable tools, impacting productivity. Workers had to wait for tools to be delivered from remote warehouses or, in some cases, purchase new ones, increasing both downtime and logistics costs.



The company implemented a tool tracking system to monitor tool availability and activity in real-time. This enabled workers to request tools from neighboring crews when they weren’t in use, reducing dependency on distant storage facilities or new purchases/ tool rentals.



Result 2

After the system was implemented, downtime due to tool unavailability was significantly reduced. Crews could easily access the necessary equipment from nearby teams, improving workflow efficiency and cutting logistics costs related to transporting tools across sites.

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Benefits for clients

Reduced downtime

Quick access to tools from neighboring crews allowed workers to maintain productivity, minimizing project delays.

Reduced downtime

Cost savings

Reduced tool losses and improved warehouse logistics helped minimize the need for frequent tool replacements, with estimated savings of €90,000 per year.

Cost savings